Monday, April 26, 2010

Growing up

WOW!! Time has gotten away from me. Life has changed and grown and I wouldn't trade a minute of it!

Landon is now 15 months old. He's very outgoing. He insits on playing outside until it's dark. He loves his sitter, Kym. Especially when he goes over there and gets to see Madison, his friend who is a couple of months older than him. His sister, Rylee, is still his favorite person. When she is there, he is attached at the hip to her. It brings a smile to mine and Ryan's eyes to see our kiddos grow. But as I looked over this blog, and all the pictures of Landon and Rylee, tears came to my eyes. He has changed so much, and yet I still see my sweet newborn in his eyes. He is such a beautiful little person. He learns new things all the time. He smiles so sweetly. He laughs in his sleep. He hugs my neck at night. He smiles when he sees me in the morning. He runs when he sees me in the evening! He cackles when he chases the cats, as they run for their lives! He's shy when he meets new people. He grins when he gives a high five, or when he "riverdances". He laughs when he knows he's being funny, or mean. ;) He's the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love every minute of being that child's mom. That is what I was put on this earth to do. I just am so very blessed.

As this school year is coming to a close, Rylee is preparing for the CRCT tests this week. She is very nervous and anxious, but we all know she will do wonderful. She is the smartest girl I know. :) She is a little business woman. She has set up her own website for dog sitting. Not bad for a 9 year old girl. It's amazing to watch her grow into a young lady. She is just as girlie as can be, but will get down and play with the lizards and bugs too. Very well rounded.

Ryan and I are doing great. We are getting ready to celebrate our 6 year wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks. He's the love of my life. I am so happy! I love to watch him with our children. I love to hear "dadda" come out of Landon's mouth. I love that he is a daddy's boy. I love the man that he is, and the inspiration that he is to our children. He has so much love to give them, and so much to teach them. They are very lucky to have such a wonderful dad. And I am so grateful.

As you can tell, I love my family and have never been so happy. <3

Monday, September 7, 2009

Oh my gosh! My baby is so big! He is now 8 months old and crawling all over the place! Now starts the fun part! He scoots down the hall and into Rylee's room, and instantly scoops up her toys. He's climbing, he's crawling, he's standing, he's "talking". Where did my little baby go?? If the lawn mower starts, he has to be on it. If the motorcycle starts, he has to be on it! He is such his daddy's boy!

And Rylee, she is now missing both her top front teeth! She starts the big third grade tomorrow and dreading every minute of it. She has gotten her hair cut to her chin (to try to keep Landon from pulling it, which didn't work.) She is a wonderful big sister. Landon loves her!! Thank God for good kiddos!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

What a wonderful life!

I love my life! I love my husband and my son, and my beautiful step daughter. It has been a gorgeous weekend!! I took Landon to the park on Saturday and pushed him in his stroller. Then after church Sunday, we went to see Mammaw and Pappaw. Then after his afternoon nap, we went outside. We set up his playpen in the yard, and sat him up in his boppy. He loved it!

His daddy put him on the motorcycle also. While it was running! And we don't have the quietest motorcycle!! Landon just grinned, then Ryan gave it a little throttle, and Landon still just grinned. He never flinched! So much his daddy's baby!

His favorite thing right now is learning to stand. He's not happy unless he is standing! I really think he will walk before he crawls. Silly boy!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Growing up already?

Oh my gosh! Landon is already 8 weeks old! Where has the time went? He has started smiling alot this week. It's the cutest thing. It warms my heart! I've made up a song that I sing to him while I touch his nose and chin, and he thinks that is the funniest thing! He goes to the doctor next week for his first round of shots. I am so scared! I really hope I, I mean, he doesn't cry to much. I had to take him to have blood work done when he was 2 weeks old, and I cried so hard. I hate to see my baby in pain. I'm sure he will be fine, he's a strong boy! I can't wait to see how much he's weighing now. I know he's over 10 pounds. He's getting so big. Now he is wearing 3 month clothes. Not because his belly is too big, but he's toes look like they are going to poke out of the 0-3 month clothes. Gosh, I can't believe my baby is growing up so fast.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Our First Outing

We had our first big outing this past Saturday! We went to a trade show and took Landon. He just laid back and strolled, taking it all in. He was wide awake the entire time. Everyone kept saying how cute he was! (As if we didn't know!) Following our few hours there, we went to eat for Valentine's Day. He was so well behaved the entire day!

Now as I am typing, he's snoozing away in his boppy. He's been asleep for about an hour, which is great cause he has only been cat napping during the day. He's singing his song as he naps. The same one he sings while in his swing. Sweet Boy!

I hope to take some pics of Rylee and Ryan this weekend, when she comes to our house. I want to add more pics to the blog.

Saturday, February 14, 2009